Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Shadow's Gen Con contest

     Hello true believers and welcome to the Shadow Knows. I wish to announce today my first contest. If all goes well I may do it again. So Shadow fans here's the skinny. Starting the first day of the con I will post a location and time. First person to find me must answer a trivia question based on my posts. That's right kiddies I have already given you the answers you just have to bone up on them. This is first come first serve. I will be awarding only one prize a day (hey I am not made of money). So Shadow fans it's just that simple. If you are going to Gen Con this year study my blog posts, watch for where and when I'll be, find me (that is the hardest bit), answer a trivia question, and win a prize. What could be simpler I ask you?  So run and tell everyone, your friends, your family, your dog, maybe even a passing bird and I will see you true believers at the con and good luck.

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