Thursday, July 17, 2014

Heroes in a half shell could just as easily mean mutant peanuts.

     Hello true believers and welcome to another installment of the Shadow Knows. I apologize for the lateness of the episode this week, but I had to attend the funeral of dear friends grandmother today. She was one heck of a spirited woman and will be missed. So Shadow fans onto my knowing part. What I know this week is not anything to far in the way out there land of my mind and involves no humor what-so-ever. I am asking you to find those you care about and let them know you love them. Life is far to short to let those unspoken words lay between you. I say to you pick them up and let them know they mean the world to you. This has been a public service announcement from the Shadow. Now let's get on with our regularly scheduled program. So onto How I Geek on with those great pop sensations (man that joke never gets old) Greg and the gang. On this weeks episode we will be talking music and what we think, thank, thunk about it. It will be the awesomesauce of legends. You really need to check it out and feel the jazz man, cuz I got the jazz man. I really love it when a plan comes together.

     So now like the Rabbit down his hole (and Alice who followed him) we are on to the topic of discussion for today kiddies. That heart warming topic would be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So let's buy us some pizza and dig in true believers. TMNT got its start in 1984 at a local comic convention held in Portsmouth New Hampshire. It was the genius baby child of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. These 2 guys literally came out of nowhere with this. With tax money and a small loan from Eastman's uncle they created this book intended to be a parody of Daredevil, New Mutants, Cerebus, and Frank Miller's Ronin all rolled into one. The book was released on newspaper type paper and was magazine sized. The turtles were an instant success and the newest icons of the world were born. The comic version of the TMNT's is much harsher and grittier then the turtles as they are seen on TV and movies. So be forewarned, if you seek these out for a read don't expect them to be the same goofy turtles you are used to. They are still very awesome books to read and I highly recommend them. The torch of the turtles has been passed through a few different comic publishers over the years until finally ending up in the hands of IDW. Man, it seems like this is where all the old greats go for a rebirthing as it were. I wonder how many more titles we will see in their hands in the years to come. I tell you it boggles the mind and my mind is not one to be boggled with. So any who on to the next.

    In 1987 Playmates toys approached Eastman and Laird on the possibility of franchising the turtles with a toy line and cartoon series. Of course these 2 guys are no idiots and a very popular toy and cartoon industry was born of this marriage (though the two really only consulted and did not have much to do with the creative writing of the series). From 87-97 TMNT filled our TV screens for 10 straight seasons until its cancellation. This is the series I remember the most when I think about my start with the turtles. I was just in Junior High school and being a geek collected the toys (every one I could get my hands on). I gave the bulk of them to my nieces who literally went into and out of a TMNT craze in less then a year. The figures found their way back to me in much more worse for wear condition. They still sit in a box in my basement to this day. Their conditions vary, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. Damn I love them little girls (who are way all grown up now, damn I feel old)! Any who, from 2003-2009 another turtle animated series would pop up on the 4kids network. This series worked hand-in-hand with Mirage studios (Laird and Eastman's publishing company) to make a more darker and edgier feeling series, but still not as violent as the comic series. This series to was a big hit and had an awesome series finale. The finale of the show featured the turtles bouncing through dimensions meeting various incarnations of themselves from the 87 series to the black and white comic versions. It was a blast to watch and a shame the show ended. But fear not true believers because in 2012 Viacom industries picked up the license and began airing on it's network, Nickelodeon a brand new turtle series. This series is pretty darn awesome and I love the way they put the stories together. This show to is edgier then the 87 series, and is quite well done IMHO. The biggest difference in this version and the others is April O'Neil is a teenager and not a reporter. At first I thought this would annoy me, but in fact it enhances this version of the story and have come to like it. Also as a caveat there is no Rocksteady or Beebop either and I do not miss them in the slightest... ugh! But if you were fans of those characters you will not find them on this show.  So I have to say, if you are a turtle fan and not watched... what are you waiting for watch it. If you don't like it I blame poor parenting on behalf of my parents for my mistake and you can throw tomatoes at them. So exit stage right.

     So we come now to the movies that starred music from M.C. Hammer and Vanilla Ice. Songs that were so over the top they are big named stars today in their own minds. From 90-93 we got three turtle films in rapid succession... boom, boom, boom. These movies were not very dark and more comedy based. Each one had their own merits, but I over-all preferred the cartoon to them. That is not to say I didn't like them per se'. I mean the Henson company did a beautiful job on the turtle suits and the effects were cool. I liked a lot of things about these movies, but still they are just kinda... meh. I can take them or leave them, but I let you decide for yourself. So go see them if you haven't. We don't see another turtle movie until the 2007 animated movie. Now this one I really liked. The story was excellent as was the animation. This is a well put together movie and I recommend it for your viewing eyes to take in and feel the ecstasy that comes with watching a movie that is all awesomeness. So yeah it is pleasure for your eye holes man. I wont spill out spoilers, like a tipped over glass of milk. But what I will say is that there is some ancient evil cross dimension stuff going on and it is coolness I tell you, pure coolness. Now I would like to also mention that there was a live action series on TV in the 90's. It only lasted a season and so I am guessing did not go well. I know they were airing it on the Hub if anyone is interested in seeing it. I never saw it and so can only say it exists. So now we come to Viacom's 2014 movie release of TMNT. I have to say after viewing a few trailers I have mixed emotions on this one. I know Michael Bay is in on this project, but (I know some of you will want to slap me for saying this) it takes more then a bunch of explosions to make a good movie. There have been some fundamentals that have been established over the years, (like many other franchises) that should not be tampered with. Like for one the origin story should be at least similar. Each turtle has their own personality as well and they to should stay true to form. The villains are very cool and need to stay true to form as well. Finally there is a certain kind of style the turtles have that needs to have screen presence and I really have no other way in my addled mind to explain it then that. So at this point I am of a mind to wait and see. I will go to theatres and watch it and then most likely come to you my adoring fans and report to you my opinion (such as it is) on the said turtle movie. I am so excited, and I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I just might like it... oh yeah.

     So Shadow fans that is all the time I have this week. I have had a rough week so my mind is not all up into my business and stuff. It is amazing to me that these two guys made this franchise inspired by their image of a mutant ninja turtle. It is just like Walt Disney being inspired by a mouse. I don't think the turn of the previous century folks would be ready for Teenage Mutant Ninja Mice though. If Disney promoted this instead of Mickey Mouse they may have burned him at the stake for herecy. Now what a sizzling thought. So what do you think Shadow fans? Which animated series was your favorite? Do you have a favorite turtle? Did you like Rocksteady and Beebop? What do you think of this new movie, will it make it through fan scrutiny? Can you rock steady? Can you steady rock it all night long? Can you rock it till the break of dawn? It would be pretty cool if you can. So any who peeps I will see you next time from the shadows rockin my M.C. Hammer pants and humming Ninja Rap... go ninja, go ninja, go!

UPDATE: Tonight at the field, the Ninja Turtles is coming! You bring the handgrenades I'll bring the tank!


  1. I still haven't read any of the original run. I've reead the first 13 months or so of the current IDW run and it's pretty damn good.

    I wasn't a huge fan of the 87 cartoon series, I watched it, but could have gone without it. I really dug the 4Kids series.

    Again, not a huge fan of the 90's movie either, but loved the '07 animated film. Not sold on Bay's version yet.

  2. Yeah it is this WTF are going to do with the franchise kinda thing. I want to get excited for it, but I know how fast someone can mess up a franchise.
